Psychic Portraits and Inspirational Art

This page is called a ‘gallery’ to take in some of the more abstract pictures I have made. Particularly when attending the Arthur Findlay College.

I sometimes just sit with a notebook and biro and just let spirit take over, on some occasions there are words and others squiggly pictures like these.

When these pictures have been completed it is then possible to do a reading from the colour and energy presented

Different people would ‘see’ and feel different aspects of the picture.

An Interesting Change

January 2016 saw an interesting change in the portraits coming through: and eventually formed the basis of my latest book My Soul: Enslaved.

I found myself drawing what seemed like a young barrister, took it along with me to a Mind Body Soul event, and a lady came along and told me it was Wilberforce.

I asked her if she meant William Wilberforce who opposed slavery, and she said “yes” she recognised him from a TV programme. This followed with a few weeks of producing many pictures from this period,

William Wilberforce
Arawak Man

Pitt the younger who was a great friend of Wilberforce, Grenville Sharp, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, Edward Long (he had a plantation in Jamaica). There are many others but the theme running through is about slavery.

As time went on, and I was taking part in a trance circle, other people could see some of these people around me such as this Arawak man who gave me the date of 1493, which I found was relevant to the return of Christopher Columbus to his township of La Navidad in the Caribbean, which had been attacked by the natives.

There were also many ladies of the period, and I was having difficulty finding who they were. Suddenly as I was going out one day the words ‘Maria Angelica’ came into my head, and later as I looked on the computer for help I found that around that period lived a wonderful artist called Angelica Kauffman, whose first name was Maria.

I feel that she now influences some of my portraits as they are certainly in her style, and it is the style I like best known as neo-classical. She was one of the founder members of our own Royal Academy of Art.

There were also pictures designed to emphasise a product from an area such as ‘Tahitian Pearls’ worn by this beautiful lady.

Lady with Pearls
Lady with Pearls
Horse On Deerskin Drum

Something new and special here, a painting on a deerskin drum requested by a customer.