I would like to demonstrate here, how the psychic artist can help people with a project, or journey that they are embarking on.
Recently I was asked to do a reading for a lady, I knew her slightly but had only met her twice and I was thrilled to be doing this for her. Prior to her coming I felt that I needed to do a portrait for her, it seemed to be an older lady possibly a grandmother or of that generation. However, the portrait turned out to be a young man who impressed on me the information that he had, had problems with his brain and he gave me a name and some other information about himself. Later in the day I had to do another picture this time of an african lady who had known my customer as a child ( I did know that she had spent some time in Sth Africa so this was feasible). As I have received comments asking for more pictures I will include them.
When my customer arrived she acknowledged both pictures and said that the information given to me was correct, the young man in the picture had suffered from epilepsy. We continued with the reading which was about the direction she was hoping to take from a spiritual point of view, and after a while I again had to draw and this time it was her grandmother who came to say ‘hello’. It was a very interesting session, very cheerful, and I feel that it helped her with decisions about how her own life went forward.
Later in the day another picture came through which is not for her, but I will include it in case there is someone reading this who can recognise her.
She is of mixed race, I get the impression that she ran around without shoes on and lived near a beach, in fact as I look at her I again get the impression of her having red ‘flip-flop’ type of sandals that she took off whenever possible. She had very little schooling because she kept running away, and there are older brothers and sisters that are still around. Does anyone know who she is?