I am now working much more with my psychic portraits than in recent years, and as I stated in my previous article, some of these portraits relate to people in other countries than UK where I live. To give these souls a chance to connect with their loved one’s I will do an article each month with the latest pictures.
I am really pleased to say that one of last month’s pictures was recognised; the gentleman with ties to Sth Africa who called himself ‘Padre’.
This month both my pictures are connected to Japan, the young man gave the impression that he was ‘lost to his family’ and I think he passed over in some sort of accident in very recent years.He liked spiky hair, pop music and was interested in engineering. I picked up three letters about his name which were HAN.
The second gentleman lived to a very old age and has some sort of scar or mark on his nose. Whilst doing the drawing I picked up the word ‘Shinto’, and I didn’t know what that meant. However, I checked on google and found that it is a japanese type of religion so I assume that old gentleman was an advocate of that faith. I would have wanted to colour his robe in blue. I do hope that someone will recognise these people and thank everyone who reads the article and gives it a chance to be passed around.