Am I Lonely
Covid 19 has brought many changes to our lives none of them very good other than learning to appreciate the basic things in life. We are now on our third period of lockdown which allows us very little contact with other people. The problems of mental health are becoming very evident and one of the […]
Covid Controversity
This is proving to be a year of tests, of friendships, beliefs and loyalties, which had already been tested by Brexit. My concerns over recent months are about the way certain words are used that drive wedges between generations. I had to look up meanings of words such as ‘snowflake’ and ‘woke’ but they are […]
June 8th 2020. Many protests still take place after the death of George Floyd in America, who died because a police officer kneeled on his neck for about nine minutes. It was filmed and we could hear his pleas that he couldn’t breathe, other police stood by and did nothing. Today is George Floyd’s funeral. […]
This year, 2020, is seeing the biggest pandemic we have experienced for decades – Covid19. This week in June 2020 we have witnessed an American policeman murdering a black man in full view of cameras. He did this by kneeling on the man’s neck whilst he was on the ground. I watched the video and […]
Searching For Mindfulness
Within the world of Complementary Therapies mindfulness is considered a very useful tool. I was recently contacted by an organisation called ‘Sanctuary of Transformation’ and I did look at their website. As I am no longer adding links, simply because I get so many requests, I thought that I would write a small post about […]
My Soul:Enslaved is the title of my second book and the young man above has been used as the front cover image. Whilst my first book about Psychic Art was fun this was a totally different experience, and one that I had not expected or prepared for. I found myself drawing many faces of the […]
How Empathic is Your Pet
The answer is much more than you may realise. It has only been in recent years that science has accepted the enormous empathy that animals can give, pet owners have always known. Many years ago I was attending a course on Animal Therapy and because I had a 7mth old pup at the time I […]
From Hurt to Hope – part 2
For me hurt came at a later stage in life, I had the normal family life happy marriage, brought up two children who met and settled down with partners. We were an average family mixing with ordinary people with decent values. Then suddenly it all fell apart. My husband had a massive stroke and died […]
From Hurt to Hope – part 1
This was the title of an exercise within an online business course and I thought it might be helpful to others, but I plan to split it into two parts so that it isn’t too much to read in one go. All of us are tried and tested at different times during our lives, and […]
Compassion versus Adversity
We find it very hard to give ourselves compassion. Without a doubt the majority of people are capable of feeling compassion for others in distress but would deny compassion to themselves. Adversity is something we all experience at some point in our lives: sometimes it just comes and hits us and at other times we […]